Software: Ulead PhotoImpact 12
Author: MaryLou White
Home Page: Wishing Well Tutorials

Title: Text on a Curve
Skill Level: Beginner

Description: Get fancy with your text. Add it to a custom curve and get exactly what you want. Great eye-catching graphics and oh so easy to do!

PhotoImpact 12 has several preset work modes. For this tutorial, we will be using the Full Edit mode so all of the tools in PhotoImpact will be available to you.

As you work, use your mouse to drag this along with you to mark your place.


PhotoImpact has a number of options in the Easy Palette for putting text on a pre-set path, for fitting it to a path, and for bending the text. However, there are times when we would prefer to use our own custom path for our text. That's what this tutorial is all about. We're going to set up our text, then create a custom line and wrap the text so it fits along the line.


  1. Open a new image, 600x200, white background (or a color, if you prefer).

  2. We need to set the attributes for the text. Click on the Text tool icon on the left tool bar. This will cause the options on the menu bar to change as well as activate the Text Panel. We'll use the tool bar options so you can close the Text Panel. Select a Font, color and size. This example uses the Cantaneo BT font, size 40. You may use your favorites font and color. You may also check the box to add a border to the font if you want.


  1. Click on the Line and Arrow Tool. This will cause the options on the menu to change.

  2. Select the Spline tool from the drop-down menu.

  3. On the menu bar, click on the Line Width icon and select Hairline. Actually, you can select any one you like - it won't change the end result. Click on the Arrow Style icon and select a straight bar with no arrowhead ends.

  4. Using the spline tool, click your way across the new image you opened in step 1 and make a wavy line. Double-click to end the line. It will turn into a solid wavy line.


  1. Now comes the fun part! We're going to add the text to the line. The text attributes were all set up in the above steps so we're ready to go.

  2. On the menu, click on Object\Wrap\Add Text to Active Path.

  3. The curved line will disappear and be replaced by the words Enter Text Here. Your cursor will be at the beginning of the line. Just start typing over the existing text. If you have left over letters at the end, use the space bar to eliminate.

  4. Your completed image should look something like this:

  5. If you don't like the color, you can easily change it. Click on the PICK Tool . This will cause the text to be selected. Click on the Text tool to bring up the Text menu attribute bar and select a new color. This tutorial used a two color gradient.

    The possibilities are endless with text on a curve. Experiment and enjoy!

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Copyright© MaryLou White.
This document may not be translated, duplicated, redistributed or otherwise appropriated without permission.